Q&A Recording: Empowering change in equine sport

“It’s important for everybody to be aware that in order for horses to learn they have to be in the right emotional state. If they are overly stressed either by pain or coercion, they will not be undergoing a proper learning experience." ~Dr. Sue Dyson

With the intention of facilitating greater cooperation and consensus, Dr. Sue Dyson and the Train with Trust Project will bring an evidence-based lens to help clarify some of the difficult sticking points within several "hot topics" in the equine world.

The Train with Trust Project

The Train With Trust Project (TwTP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to making equine behavior education accessible while promoting the use of evidence-based training.


how to use the ridden horse checklist to evaluate soundness


Q&A Recording: Pre-purchase Exams and the 24 Behaviors Checklist